Renata Clarke, Intuitive Soul-Frequency Energy Healer, Reiki Master healer & teacher in Worcestershire, UK, the creator of Quantum Essence Healing system, and founder of Quantum Energetics.

Your Personal Transformation: Deconditioning with Human Design


Originating from a blend of astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, and Chakra concepts, the Human Design system provides a detailed blueprint of an individual’s energy, personality, and unique traits. Beyond mere self-awareness, Human Design offers a pathway to deconditioning – a process that allows individuals to shed societal influences and align with their true selves. In this article, we’ll cover the essence of Human Design and explore practical ways to decondition oneself for a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Understanding Human Design:

Human Design categorizes individuals into specific energy types, each with its characteristics and strategies for navigating life. The five main energy types are Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, Reflectors, and Manifesting Generators. Your energy type determines how you interact with the world and make decisions.

  1. Generators and Manifesting Generators:
    • Strategy: Wait to respond.
    • Deconditioning Focus: Learning to trust your gut response and resisting the urge to initiate without external cues.
  2. Manifestors:
    • Strategy: Inform before taking action.
    • Deconditioning Focus: Recognizing the impact of informing others on the success of your initiatives.
  3. Projectors:
    • Strategy: Wait for an invitation.
    • Deconditioning Focus: Moving away from initiating and waiting for recognition and invitations.
  4. Reflectors:
    • Strategy: Wait a lunar cycle before making big decisions.
    • Deconditioning Focus: Understanding the importance of taking time and avoiding immediate decisions.

Deconditioning Techniques:

  1. Know Your Energy Type: Understanding your energy type is the first step in the deconditioning process. Dive into your Human Design chart to identify your type, strategy, and authority. This self-awareness lays the foundation for targeted deconditioning efforts.
  2. Experiment with Your Strategy: Once you grasp your strategy, start experimenting with it in daily life. Generators, for example, can practice waiting for opportunities to respond instead of initiating, while Manifestors can work on informing others before taking action. Observe how aligning with your strategy impacts your decisions and interactions.
  3. Recognize Conditioning Patterns: Human Design emphasizes the importance of recognizing conditioning patterns inherited from society, family, or past experiences. Identify thought patterns, behaviours, and beliefs that aren’t inherently yours but were adopted due to external influences.
  4. Practice Mindfulness and Reflection: Engage in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, to reflect on your thoughts and actions. This allows you to discern between conditioned responses and authentic expressions of self.
  5. Embrace Your Authority: Your authority in Human Design refers to the decision-making centre that aligns with your type. Whether it’s your sacral response, emotional clarity, or another form of authority, embracing it allows for decisions rooted in authenticity.
  6. Seek Support and Guidance: Connect with a Human Design expert or community to gain insights and guidance on your deconditioning journey. Discussions with like-minded individuals and professionals can offer valuable perspectives and encouragement.
  7. Celebrate Progress: Deconditioning is a gradual process, and celebrating small victories is crucial. Acknowledge and appreciate moments when you successfully align with your strategy or make decisions in harmony with your authority.


Human Design provides a roadmap for individuals seeking authenticity and empowerment. The deconditioning process, rooted in the principles of each energy type, invites individuals to shed societal influences, old patterns, and limiting beliefs. By embracing Human Design as a tool for self-discovery and personal transformation, individuals can navigate life in alignment with their true selves, fostering a deeper sense of purpose, fulfilment, and authenticity.

Ready to uncover the depths of your unique blueprint, explore your energetic makeup, and discover your highest potential? Book my exclusive Human Design chart analysis package and start your transformative journey now.

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