Woman in yellow jacket and blue denim jeans sitting on a blue inflatable ring, surrounded by her electromagnetic aura field.

Exploring the Colours of Auras

In the universe, energy flows like a river, touching everything from the smallest atom to the vast realms of consciousness. At the core of this universal dance is the aura, a mystical expression of energy that wraps around every living being. Defined as a photonic movement created by light, an aura is a coloured outer layer composed of light particles that extends beyond the physical body.

Yin Yang symbol drawn on brown beach sand, symbolizing balance, harmony, and the unity of opposites in a natural setting.

Divine Feminine versus Divine Masculine Energy

Divine masculine and divine feminine energy exists in all things—people included.

Not to be confused with male versus female, divine feminine and masculine energies can be accessed by all of us, and part of the spiritual path is getting them into a state of balance.

We live in a masculine world where strength is perceived as power, achievement, and success. It’s a world where men and women embody masculine energy and disconnect from their feminine aspects. Because, somehow, we associate femininity with weakness.